Although Sauvé's style is close to naive art we cannot classified his work as such. It is very difficult to give any classification to his art because he explores many aspects of the pictorial art: architecture, landscape, city scenes, caricature, etc.

Michel Sauvé loved drawing and sketching since he was a very young boy. A self-taught artist, he tried different mediums but finally adopted oil painting in 1993. He is a passionate of colours. That might be the reason why he has been working in the printing industry since 1980 and which in return should be the reason why he masters the colours so well.

Sauvé is divided between childhood and maturity; it is probably the reason why the fantasy of his imagination takes over taking life too seriously. With his sharp sense of humour he definitely prefers to bring a smile to the spectator's face than to have him look at his works in a deep reflection.

Hockey was and is always a passion for him. He loves showing us little players in the lane or in the school yard with the equipment of another time. Dressed with the Canadian or the Nordiques colours, these characters bring back with nostalgia memories of the rivalry between these two Quebec teams.

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